Boring at first, hilarious with the chorus. That drummer should be shot. He's as bad as the Cathedral one. Then the quiet bridge part made me laugh again. 2/10 for a spiffy outro.

EDIT: The Sabbat song sounds like a really bad Sentence of Death leftover. I'm sure I've heard that riff before, probably many times. Destruction is awesome, though, so crappy imitation isn't all bad. 3.5/10.
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Fuck, I edited my post to reply to your post but it didn't go through or something. The Sabbat song is a 3.5; third-rate Sentence of Death worship worship, but I love me some early Destruction.

EDIT: But considering the Sabbat song lacks anything that could be construed as a bridge, you're probably aware of that.
6/10 for the CLG, like him but that particular song didn't do a load for me

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2/10 That was extremely boring. The woman is strumming some generic chords on her guitar while she sings in her uninteresting voice. And the guy is trying to play his banjo with feeling and it's not working out. Something I'd expect to hear on NPR.

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The irony of that song starting out much more like what your post described than anything in the song i posted woo boy...but when the song got "upbeat" it got so bad. Really boring typical bluesy rock. 3/10

People really need to learn to appreciate music for more than the sounds, you know words are part of it to. Sera isn't quite an experienced guitar player, mostly a drummer in her music career, so its obvious she uses the guitar and banjo as vessels to carry her words.

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Vocals sounded like Nena, awful. Overall very annoying sounding, though maybe I'm a wrong person to judge that kind of music. 2/10

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None of the bands hamburger boy describes as worshipping, cloning or riff stealing actually are. Fact.