8/10 Very underrated band that very few people ever mention sadly. Too bad they only released one album too.

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^^ 7/10

Definitely worth a listen. But not many more than one.

7/10. I could hear that that band was Swedish from the moment the singer opened his mouth. Literally, when he said "it" I knew it instantly. Weird.

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@ Runk: Eh, its really muffled and just runs together in a kind of wall of sound. Guitars drown out the drums and vocals aren't much to write home about. The music itself is pretty alright though. 6/10

@: Tha Guy, liked the whole Middle Eastern thing going on at first, then it goes into some really gay riffs that sound like they were ripped right from mid-90s Swedish melodeath, and oh god these clean vocals are horrible. Pretty gay. 4/10

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Kinda repetitive (what can one expect from Maiden worship? definitely some To Tame a Land in there) but overall it's solid, and the singer is good. I'd still rather listen to third-tier 80's USPM than the supposed leaders of retro-trad. 6/10.

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The vocals are solid, but the guitar is fucking awful. What a repetitive breakdown. 6/10

Symphonic Death Metal. It's exists.
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One-man acoustic-guitar-strumming stuffs is something I have an incredibly hard time tolerating. It was upbeat enough to prevent annoyance, but I did not enjoy that. 3.5/10.

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