
Jerry Lynn (who was in the WWF for like 5 minutes) is all metal too! He got injured and then just kicked out coz he had no draw. Fozzy rules to, I don't know why, but I just fucking love it! Jericho rocks!
Originally posted by Necrogoat
Jerry Lynn (who was in the WWF for like 5 minutes) is all metal too! He got injured and then just kicked out coz he had no draw. Fozzy rules to, I don't know why, but I just fucking love it! Jericho rocks!

yah jerry lynn is/was cool too
that sucks that ECW went under. they were infinitely more talented than ANY WWF wrestler, wit hthe closest competition in the WWf being the hardys. bu tcompared to ECW, wwf and wcw were shit. then they got bought out and now all the ECW guys had to wrestle WWF style, except RVD still wrestles ECW a little bit, which is part of what makes him such a huge draw in the WWF. but thats not all, because RVD fucking rules! i shit in my pants when on RAW heymen brought together most of the ECW guys and reformed ECW, but that was pretty short lived and was unfortunately only an angle.
anyway, ECW is dead and that fucking sucks!

but i stopped watching wrestling about a month or two ago, i hate it when vince mcmahan is in the story lines, which is sadly often, so i stopped
Originally posted by J the TyranT
I've always heard the dude was a legit metalhead.


As far as I know yes he is into the band...plus the shirts totally go with his title/image. BUT, I haven't seen him wear a Nevermore shirt in over a year...I think McMahon wanted to change his image a bit with that new kilt.
Metal Heads in wrestling:

RVD used to come out to walk by Pantera, only it was covered by somebody. RVD is god

Jerry Lynn was (and i say was because of getting booted from wwf for being overqualified) was the biggest metal head. He came out and flashed the sign of the beast at the camera all the time. One time in a match with steve corino, corino was all bloody (bladed too deep), and Jerry Lynn wiped his fingers in the blood and wrote "DIE" on his chest :eek: Gave himself war paint with the blood too, you don't get more metal thatn that! :lol:

Jericho - total metalhead. He's the vocalist for Fozzy, although it's really Moongoose Mqueen :grin: who are quite good (it's the guitar and bassist from stuck mojo)

Raven - i'm not sure, although i always thought he was.
ECW was cool but god I hated those Full Blooded Italians guys! GRRRRRRR! I didn't care for that Mikey dude either. But Roadkill ruled!
Fozzy used to be Fozzy Osbourne, but then they got a story line and changed their name to Fozzy. Andy Sneap (we all know who he is) is actually in Fozzy now as like the 3rd guitarist. The Stuck Mojo bassist guy left, now they have some dude I have never heard of. Who was that fat guy in ECW that came out with Cradle of Filth and King Diamond shirts? He is wearing an Immolation shirt in the ECW game I believe. I completely blanked on his name.
He prolly doesnt wear the shirts anymore due to some legal shit, I mean, ya never know. Maybe MacMahon doesnt wanna get potentially sued. Not to say CM or Nevermore would sue, but from VM's business standpoint.. you can never be too safe...?

Originally posted by Necrogoat
Who was that fat guy in ECW that came out with Cradle of Filth and King Diamond shirts? He is wearing an Immolation shirt in the ECW game I believe. I completely blanked on his name. [/B]

I think you're thinking of Balls Mahoney. But I'm not positive on that one.

I believe Raven is a legit Nevermore fan. In one of the Nevermore CD booklets, he is thanked by the band. I'm drawing a blank on which one it is, and I'm too tired to look. :)
Originally posted by SevenTonguesOfGod

I think you're thinking of Balls Mahoney. But I'm not positive on that one.

I believe Raven is a legit Nevermore fan. In one of the Nevermore CD booklets, he is thanked by the band. I'm drawing a blank on which one it is, and I'm too tired to look. :)

it's in the s/t album i believe
the headbangers thrasher and mosh when they first came out and were tag team champs a few years back, they would often where metallica, marilyn manson, and obituary shirts. bbut that may be just because it fit the whole headbanger metalhead thing.

and it was a band named Kilgore who covered Walk by Pantera that was RVD's new theme and it sucks fucking dick, it's so bad. download it and you'll laugh and cry, i assure you. and don't even get me started on how bad the solo is