ravi shankar and philip glass "passages"

ms. anthrope

back off, mofo...
Feb 12, 2002
s.f. bay area
hey mr. d,

good seeing you and meeting 'v'!

do you have this particular CD? smythee and i have a bet. i was going to ask you, but i didn't want you to sing my song in front of your guest :p.

hope all is going smoothly and see you soon.
What? You can't email or call me anymore???
But you know, I don't have that particular album, but I have tons of Ravi Shankar stuff...

Yeah, me and Mr.V have been going over the songs and their coming along nicely. I dig the stuff and the album should totally rock!

I don't know how to type your song to make you get it in your head...but maybe I just did!!

i hate AND love 'my song' if that makes any sense - NYAH :p!!!

...don't type it out, it's burned in my brain.

and as for that "passages" cd, you are more than welcome to borrow it for a swig of good vodka ;).