Raw, sinister, undergound dark ambient.


This is huh, wow...
Apr 7, 2009
Melbourne, Aus
I'm talking about dark ambient music that is hard to come by, and is excessively gloomy and evil. Hybrids with black metal are acceptable too.

Something in the vein of Aakon Keetreh or Dark Pestilence, preferably.
Darkspace III or Rain Upon the Impure would both be excellent albums, with the first being more ambient and heavy and the second being more dark with murky production.
looking for gloomy evil satanic dark ritual ambient music (but NOT METAL) ??
take a look at these:
halo manash
arktau eos
zoat aon
mortiis (earlier stuff)
and the most sinister of em all- nordvargr

I just want to pick for a second... I dont think there is any dark ambient music that isnt "underground."

The word gets pretty redundant when you use it to describe music of this type, or even most types of metal... because, it's pretty much all "underground" to almost everyone.
well, all these bands i mentioned are underground... in the sense that they always have a limited --1000 or in some cases even 100!--- copies released and all copies are hand-numbered, etc etc... the music is never meant to reach the wrong people.