Raw tracks for anyone who wants 'm


Jul 13, 2005
Just recorded a pretty cool band in record time hehe


Build up my stuff in there rehearsalroom in about 1.5 hour, soundchecked for like half an hour, and recorded 7 songs in under 2 hours :)

It was done live with a guitar and vocal overdub after the live takes (allthough we also did vocals live but it had way to much spill)

This is the song up for download with a quick mix and replaced kickdrum:

Kick sucks to be honest, but we had to work fast so just replace it ;)

Kick: d6 into Audient.
Kick Sub: homemade speaker into rme.
Snaretop: Sm57 into Audient
SnareBottom:Sm57 Into Audient
Tom1: Audiotechnica mic, can't remember name, into Audient.
Floor: White Md421N into Audient.
OH's: At2020's into Audient.

Bass: DI into Rme instr input + Sansamp.

Guitars: Rb100 + I5 Into Rme preamps.

Vocal: Sm7b Into RME preamp.

I'd say have fun with it and let me know what you think of the tracks.


Man, you have some wicked mixes, not even given the acoustic conditions you were faced with!
Which amp/speakers was were used for guitar sounds?

Oh, and did you use the Sansamp bass di? Or software of some sort? Jazz bass style pickups?

Sorry for the obsessive questions. :)


Erm, just checking it now, are you sure the tracks line up right? things look a little out of place to me....:(

I included the nuendo file didnt i?

Bass was Sansamp with a Jazz bass indeed:)
Think the guitarstack was e530 engl with matching poweramp and a flyintg V, sounded swell!

Any comments or critisism on the tracks is apreciated btw
When I loaded the tracks up into pro tools the overheads were off a tiny bit and then the bass was completely off. I have not listened to any of the other tracks yet though. I guess these aren't consolidated files?
I'm really diggin' this bass tone dude. Remember any sansamp settings/models at all? I want my bass to sound like that...:) Perhaps some Bartolini pickups.

Its a regular Fender Jazz Bass man, actually suprised me! normally i like P basses much better, it was probably the player aswell, dudes pretty damn good/steady!

Settings were everything on 12 oclock on a regular single channel Bassdriver di, maybe drive on about 1 oclock.
Its how i normally set the sansamp.

When I loaded the tracks up into pro tools the overheads were off a tiny bit and then the bass was completely off. I have not listened to any of the other tracks yet though. I guess these aren't consolidated files?

Nah, if you have nuendo they should be just right though.
Its a regular Fender Jazz Bass man, actually suprised me! normally i like P basses much better, it was probably the player aswell, dudes pretty damn good/steady!

Settings were everything on 12 oclock on a regular single channel Bassdriver di, maybe drive on about 1 oclock.
Its how i normally set the sansamp.

Nah, if you have nuendo they should be just right though.

Thanks for the info man. It sounds very warm and real!

Nice...stock pickups I'm assuming?

It's funny, when I hear someone speaking Dutch and I'm not paying attention...it sounds close to English sometimes haha. Moreso than say German. It might sound crazy, but it's happened more than once when I was in Holland, haha.

One last question for you guys:

Do you usually pan the bass center?

Also, if you quad-track, do you pan two tracks 100% L/R, and two 80% L/R??
