Raw Tracks for your mixing pleasure....

I really appreciate that. I am downloading those right now.
I didn't post anything because it wasn't good enaough, but I had fun and practice with Fools Crown tracks.
I can't really hear much drums on your mix dude... The kick is virtually non-existent and the snare sounds too "far away"

I only really hear the bass guitar at the breakdown (approx 3:10)
::XeS:: said:
But....have the drummer used a click when he recorded his parts?

No. I strongly encourage the use of click but very few drummers in this area will use a click. In fact, I only know two personally (one being myself, and I suck ass).

The drummer for Buried By Angels is a GREAT drummer. If he mastered the click, he would be unstoppable.
ReliXKeepeR said:
You really have to check your ears...

Just listened to it again and fair enough the bass guitar is fine (although I like a bit more attack)...

But the drums just sit to far back for me, mainly the kick but the snare sometimes goes a bit quiet... the part that begins around the 14/15 second mark is a good example for the kick and so is the punky beat around the 50 second mark.
Again, the kick is lost around the 2:30 mark but when the next section kicks in the kick is right up there...

The music is the shizz though and I'd love to hear vocals on it!
Good mix Machinated..
Which sensitivity have you set in drumagog? I have some problems with it when I try to capture properly every hit (and only the right hits)
Cheers man, tried all sorts of sensitivities, and I have it on the advanced setting with maximum latency. Sometimes its fairly inconsistant in when it over triggers. Should be getting some more RAM soon, at the moment running that mix is a bit unbearable. When I get more RAM, ill have a good play around with it, and Ill try and let you know what works.