Raw Tracks for your mixing pleasure....

Master B

Please comment. I just changed the settings from my monitors, so I am la bit lost especially with the mastering, the amount of lows and treble... Sounds wierd to me but I can't put my fingers on what is wrong. Thanks.:)
CJWall said:
arrggh, I had been working on a mix for the B.B.A. tune for like 2 weeks, lost it all though w/my crash, ahhhh.

Oh well,

I'm sorry to hear that. However, don't fret........

I've got them coming back this Saturday for a full day session. I suggested we record that song so the drummer has a chance to redeem himself and two more songs.

All three should be complete with vocals and leads. As usual, this is yet another free project and I'll gladly post the raw tracks sometime next week.
MKS said:
I'm sorry to hear that. However, don't fret........

I've got them coming back this Saturday for a full day session. I suggested we record that song so the drummer has a chance to redeem himself and two more songs.

All three should be complete with vocals and leads. As usual, this is yet another free project and I'll gladly post the raw tracks sometime next week.

ah, killer man! That makes me feel a bit better, as I even lost the MP3 mixdown file of the last BBA song. Glad to hear it and thanks!

::XeS:: said:
two song?? For me they play the same song with two different names! :O

I'm tracking the same song three times tomorrow!! Perhaps that will make tracking and mixing a breeze.

::XeS:: said:
two song?? For me they play the same song with two different names! :O

I'm tracking the same song three times tomorrow!! Perhaps that will make tracking and mixing a breeze.
