**Attention Andy: Sticky Threads!


New Metal Member
Jun 26, 2006
Hi Andy,

It would be really great if you could mark some of the useful threads as sticky (sorry for disturbing you about this, but you are listed as the only moderator).
You may have reasons for not making sticky threads, and thats all cool, its your forum after all :) If not, consider it ;)

Here's two threads that I think would be useful both for newcomers (like me) and long time users:

OzNimbus excellent drums recording/mixing thread:
Acoustic Drums for Metal: A Guide

The sample thread:
The 'share a sample' thread

I'm sure I missed a great deal of excellent threads so guys go ahead and line 'em up...


yeah good point, I know I asked this before, but any ideas for sub forums etc probably about 5 or 6 would be great.

Its getting a bit cluttered on here so feel free to post suggestions here and I'll see what we can do over the next week or so.
Well I would make a critic my mix sub forum for sure. Then maybe a recording specific forum, general chat, and live sounds.
We need a sub-forum called "Andy Says" were only you can post.. this way all the basic tips are there (ie - sm57 on axis with V30's) and since only you are posting it will not get so cluttered..
--TiMmY-- said:
We need a sub-forum called "Andy Says" were only you can post.. this way all the basic tips are there (ie - sm57 on axis with V30's) and since only you are posting it will not get so cluttered..

I agree with that idea.
Subforums...yeah even better :-)

Perhaps a subforum for what I'd call "Golden Threads", which could hold those threads that has developed to an exceptional level in regards to informative content / "public" interest etc. ..I'm thinking threads like the Clayman thread , the drum recording thread and such.. how about that?

One more thing... Andy, if this new subfora stuff is going to work, you might soon find yourself doing more administrative work on this forum than producing albums which none of us really would like to see happen ... so perhaps one or few of the long time "trusted" members could be "upgraded" to moderator level and help you sort stuff in here...