Rawest mix ever, something different


Nov 17, 2008
i'm a fan of hard quantized MIDI drums and all impulse guitars, but that wouldn't fly with the spastic punky insanity of this band, so I felt inclined to share what is probably the most natural mix I've done.


drums were a shitty as fuck kit with old out of tune heads, 57 on the snare/rack/floor, beta52a in the kick, and two condenser overheads. no snare bottom or room mics. no replacing of any kind, just gating / eq / light compression. I didn't wanna squash anything particularly hard (except vocals) because that's the sound they were after. these kids love basement shows and smashing shit...etc.

geet was a jcm2000 (i think) with a TS providing drive. 57 on axis on the cone. i think i quadtracked. barely any EQ on the guitar.

bass was sansamp bass DI driver > parallel out to a cheap presonus tube pre > amp sim on the clean one blended.

synth was some alesis thing going straight in.

vox were akg perception > presonus tubepre.

it's a little different, thoughts? i guess i just wanted to demonstrate my independence from superior/impulses...haha.

oh, and the band is hayworth from rhode island. myspace.com/hayworthri
best mix ive ever heard posted on here
sick band too!
god this owns pod, slate 10 kick, slate 12 snare and metalcore riffs. Brutal job on this dude! Makes me wanna tape my hands to my feet and mosh around with some bikers
I like the mix, although the drums are a little quiet (granted I'm listening on cheap headphones). Guitar sound is fucking gnarly and I love it!
well whats to complain about here?
you put what the band needed for their specific sound before your own desires of pod and slate
a filthy mix for a filthy band
better than can be said for most people here

and plus, everyone knows i like teh filth
and this shit is fucking dirty
Dude, so fucking cool sounding!

PERFECT for what the band sounds like and the vibe they wanted. I love producers who don't make every band sound the same!

Bravo for making thier vision happen!
Just for fun I'd like to hear this same song with samples and amp sims or whatever. In other words, cleaned up.
You know, I agree with everyone else. This really really works for the band. I would tame those screams a bit (they hurt when the singer gets loud) and get the drums a bit more upfront. Otherwise, it's da-bomb, son.
Sounds like an old HydraHead band. And I mean that in the highest of compliments. I can't point out anything I'd like to hear different. Awesome mix. Sounds like it should be on a split 7" comp LOL!
You know, I agree with everyone else. This really really works for the band. I would tame those screams a bit (they hurt when the singer gets loud) and get the drums a bit more upfront. Otherwise, it's da-bomb, son.

and i wouldnt touch a damn thing haha
of course the screams hurt, isnt that the fucking point? :headbang:

and yeah agreed @ hydrahead comparison :D

noticed the band have the album up on the page, downloaded it, about to check it out :D