deathcore band, sneap .gogs, 5150, try and guess the vocal mic


Nov 17, 2008
no click track. (sigh.)

5150 > b52 cab > 57 on cone > presonus tubepre > firepod > lots of lowpass

i generally like to track guitar on axis on the cone for as much crisp bite as possible and then lowpass it out to taste...but think i may have overdone it on this one. you guys should've heard the dry tracks, very nails-on-a-chalk-boardy.

drums are overhads and the sneap .gogs, after much experimenting with others i just always keep coming back :loco: i need to ween myself off of them. since there was no click (you've all been there :erk:) i didn't go to crazy with editing (especially on the toms) but smoothed out some of the double bass, and trimmed up the rhythm guitar tracks.

leads in the center are just direct into ampsim.

bass is a sansamp bassdriver DI box. the kid was downtuning a 4-string p-bass to a low A... didn't work out too well. not much i could do.

not a ton going on with the vocal chain, presonus tubepre on the way in and just some rvox and some slight tape saturation. not much eq besides a large hipass on the lows. try and guess the mic! i experimented and was very pleasantly surprised. same mic for highs/lows.

2bus is some bus compression and the sonnox inflator (been highly enjoying this limiter as of late.)

try not to lol too hard at the lyrical content towards the end. this is not my band. :lol:
Ok. This guy is literally saying "bree." It's not even a joke anymore

Vocals sound very clear to me. Nice
Very crispy guits too