Pod x3 vs Delta 44 and cheap pre for vocal demos


Dec 14, 2003
Brookfield, VIC, Australia
A friend of mine purchased a POD X3 late last year, but neither he or myself have really bothered looking into the PC recording capability of it.
He is happy with the amp modeling, but he is a much better singer than guitar player and would like the option of being able to record riff and vocal ideas on his PC.
Should he stick with the POD, buy a decent dynamic mic and use that to demo his material (to then be recorded better at my place or wherever else in the future), or would he be better off taking my old M audio Delta 44 and Presonus Tubepre and using that for the vocals?

I'd say the POD may have a better quality signal that the Delta + Tubepre, but does the POD have capability to reduce latency that would be acceptable for 3-4 multi-track recording, or would it still depend on his on board soundcard?