Rawk.. errr... Jazz.

i played it at the coffee/ice cream shop i work at part time and, sad to say, it didn't get a very warm reception but pulled a fogey complaint.

i actually legitimately can't play stuff with widely variant dynamics because the speakers are shitty and periodically third or treble the volume for hours at a time. so even with relatively even stuff, there's long periods of inaudibility and moments of super-loudness that send me running for the volume dial as the whole place is deafened.

ah, well. that's what the headphoneable day job is for. :)
Well all you Mississippi guys come to FYE at Northpark mall in Jackson... you will be able to get Kayo Dot ON release day, and we have a ton of other really good metal type stuff as well! (like novembers doom for instance... the metal section is almost as big as Rap.)
ChromeLife said:
Well all you Mississippi guys come to FYE at Northpark mall in Jackson... you will be able to get Kayo Dot ON release day, and we have a ton of other really good metal type stuff as well! (like novembers doom for instance... the metal section is almost as big as Rap.)

It's about two hours away from me...yes, I believe it's worth it.
not to be mean, but it is kind of funny/ironic considering past interviews where the band has denied a jazz element to their sound that the new disc ends up being categorized as jazz simply because people don't know what to do with stuff from Zorn's label.
i just find it odd that jazz is the major music genre in which they place zorn's label stuff. i'd think classical would at least be a little more appropriate. not that the overall sound makeup of Naked City has a whole lot in common with Bach's Two Part Inventions.

Anyway, it just attests to the fact that broadly generalized categorization of an entire label's catalog doesn't always make sense. I wonder who picks the categories that things get put in- the distributors?
Considering "Ill Nino" is heavy metal... but Goatwhore is alternative rock at FYE... we arent the best on categories... we actually move a lot of stuff in/out of the metal section... I think I will leave Kayo Dot in Jazz.. just because it will be easier to find/suggest to people... stuff can get lost real quick in the Rock/pop section.
SCENE: long wooden table in the corporate offices of Tzadik Records.

ZORN (leaning forward, loosening tie): Have you seen these numbers??

(tosses sheaf of papers on the table. Sycophants scrabble for them)

ZORN: Unbelievable! Kayo Dot sales are through the roof! TRL just called! Marketing this baby as "dark metal" was the greatest idea I've ever had, even better that Masada in Jerusalem! I'm buying myself an island in Japan! Also, I--


ZORN (visibly annoyed): What?

SYCOPHANT: This is weird. Check out this one spot in Mississippi...

ALL gather round map. Finger points.

ZORN: Sales...down ninety percent? I don't get it.

TZADIK leadership muses.

ZORN (smacking fist into hand): Well, there's only one solution. We need to kick off an all-out dark metal PR campaign right...here....in...JACKSON.

Finger jabs into the map. Fade out. NICODEMUS begins to play. Montage scene featuring shots of goth-metal-costumed promo guys interspersed with angry rednecks. Final shot of ChromeLife crucified to a telephone pole. Fade out.
Hahahahaha! Fuck I hope thats not what is going to happen!! I would really like to sell a shit ton of them, its just a matter of people taking my word for truth. I am pretty damn positive that I will be able to get 5 or 6 sold (which for something not mainstream is pretty damn good)... its also the kind of release that I think will get bigger as more people hear it.