RC meets IRC?


Omae wa mo shindeiru
Dec 23, 2004
Someone should make and admin a Royal Carnage IRC Channel... Just an Idea.


Yes, it was her idea. :p
Well, I'm sitting here waiting patiently and shit but noone's showed up yet. Just get yourself an IRC client like mIRC (it's pretty poor but really popular) and use the DALnet network and #royalcarnage channel... You don't particularly need an "account", just choose whatever nickname you feel suits you
--- egj has changed the topic to: Five stars.
--> Tully (~jjdt12@c-24-147-184-243.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) has joined #royalcarnage
<Tully> omgomgomg
<egj> lol hi there
<egj> you're the first visitor
<Tully> Wooo
You all better join in, its what all the cool people are doing. You should SEE all the fantastic conversations we're having. Hustle.
it is super fucking gay
my firewall is having a ball shooting it down.

sorry guys i give up
I got through after like schfourteen attempts. My firewall freaked out but I told it to SHUT UP, BIZZLE and it did.

But now I'm done, on to bigger and better things, like eating eggs and toast.
can't you just get on msn or yahoo ... we can have some audio also ..

all you momos have to have an msn/hotmail account i am sure