Re-amp problem (profire 2626/logic pro)


May 25, 2009
I realize I'm asking a dumb question here, but whatever.

I recently picked up the Radial X-amp to re-amp.

I've plugged in everything the way it should be (or so I think), but when I turn my Mesa on to play the dry signal, I still get the dry signal from the cabinet.

I'm using Logic 8. Can anyone please direct me to route it the correct way? Am i missing something in the M-audio control panel, or something in the Logic Mixer?

idiotically yours, Avrinder
you're trying to get a distorted signal from the head/cab, correct?

do you have your monitoring turned on in your DAW? I know in Reaper, if I have my monitoring on, it will be playing the raw DI signal along with the processed signal. Then again, I've never even used a re-amp box and I'm fairly new to the routing in the 2626.
I turned off the "software monitoring" option in Logic Pro. hmm, I know i'm doing ONE step wrong and it's killing me haha. in the end, when it does work I'll be kicking myself. thanks for the suggestion