I posted this into the appropriate forum 2 days ago and, I fear the thread is too old to get any responses.... I posted links to each piece of gear that I possess for the task at hand to give you idea of input impedance and what not...thanks for any clarification in this matter.
You guys think it would be possible/wise to use the high z instrument input on my Apogee Duet 2 soley as an Instrument DI or should I use my Radial Pro DI in conjuction with the Apogee's preamp's? Reason for asking is I have to go mobile sometimes and not sure what the best equipment to use/bring we me to the clients location. Any thoughts on this matter would be awesome.
And the initial goal is to re-amp later back at my studio.
You guys think it would be possible/wise to use the high z instrument input on my Apogee Duet 2 soley as an Instrument DI or should I use my Radial Pro DI in conjuction with the Apogee's preamp's? Reason for asking is I have to go mobile sometimes and not sure what the best equipment to use/bring we me to the clients location. Any thoughts on this matter would be awesome.

And the initial goal is to re-amp later back at my studio.