

more gear than talent:-(
Feb 27, 2005
For Matt or anyone else in the know....
Matt re-amps frequently so I've read. My Pod allows this feature as well....figured why not give it a try. Pretty cool. changing parameters on the fly is nice. I dig it.
Here's where I'm having trouble..... Unprocessed guitar track is being reamped to the pod, processed and out the cabinet. nice. I then mic the cabinet back to my audio card to record a processed track. For some reason the input (mic'd signal) is coming right back out (re-amping) and being processed again resulting in feedback or over-processing.:ill: For some reason I can't seem to separate the ins/outs. Killing off one cancels out the other. I dunno if I'm making myself clear. I guess I'm asking for a clue as to why the input (mic) signal would be re-amped along with the original track. Seems stupid, and probably so easy to fix, that I'm not seeing it.
What program/sound card are you using? Sounds like an output buss setup issue. Set up a seperate bus for the direct out to go back out to. For instance, if your main outputs are 1 & 2, set up another buss and send the DI to output 3. You can also solo the DI track as you're reamping so nothing else should be audible (besides monitoring what you're recording, of course), just to be sure.