Re-releases' Sound


New Metal Member
Mar 22, 2005
I am about to buy TiO and I don't know if I should buy the special edition in the digipack or the regular version in the jewel case.
On one hand jewel cases are more damage proofed and easily replaceable in case of damage than digipacks.
On the other hand the digipack does have that special material, but I don't really care for it that much.
So I'd like to know if the special edition has better sound than the original.
Which version, do you think, is worthier of my money?
I didn't think they were remastered in any way - just special editions because they wrap them in cardboard instead of plastic and put some extra stuff on the disc.

I personally prefer jewel cases because cardboard ones scuff on the corners. I tend to rip all my cds anyway so that's not a massive problem. I can't really comment on the special material - I only have the special edition of the self-titled album and the video's quite good, but I'm indifferent really.

Basically, if you're a collector then get both. If you don't care about special features, then get the jewel case one. If you do care, then get the digipack.
They have the same songs content. There are 2 differences: the box and a little software bonus material inside the new version (screensavers, etc.)
Emanuele said:
They have the same songs content. There are 2 differences: the box and a little software bonus material inside the new version (screensavers, etc.)
Yup...I have both versions of Divine Wings...or had, my DVD changer that I have since had exchanged for a new one messed up my original copy...

There is NO difference in the sound quality of the SE and the normal...If you want the original or want the disc art to match with the original S/T and Damnation Game, then get the original...otherwise, go for the best bang for your buck and get the Special Edition...there's different artwork/photos in the SE booklet, and there's the Multimedia wish my original copy still worked, cuz I liked how their first 3 CD's matched in my CD wallet...