Real amp vs. Pod... can you guess which one is which? Which sounds better?

Not had chance to listen properly yet, but the first clip is probably your real amp.
:rofl: Haha

Both sound terrible, left side is way louder in the first clip.

Gonna say the 2nd one is the POD.

What would you improve on either? What is terrible about them? I'm still learning so I'd love some helpful feedback. Too many mids, highs, etc? I know the playing is sloppy, just trying to get some good tones right first.
I'm going with the consensus - but I did think it before scrolling down - I think 2 is the POD.
The first one is just really buzzy and thin, no real meat or balls to it. What was the signal chain used? It literally sounds like a DI'd metalzone pedal or something.

The 2nd one is overgained and a bit muddy/thick, but just has that gross POD 'air' about it.
Thanks for the tips. I've been using POD for so long and finally got a sm57 so I wanted to start trying to mic my amp -- something i've been intimidated to learn how to do for quite some time.

@Jeff - ESP MH400NT EMG 81's --> TS9 --> 6505 head/cab --> SM57 positioned just barely off the grille cloth (in the first clip, the guitars on one side is the 57 placed directly in front of the cone off axis, the other side on edge. I'm thinking of getting an i5 mic so I can practice the "fredman" technique similar to blending IRs but I want to at least get 1 mic positioning down first. :lol: