Real crunch-to-kill guitar! Got the 1010lt up and running!


Im guybrush threepwood
Jun 16, 2004
Bristol, United Kingdom
Well guys, after finally getting the 1010lt up and running im astonished by the first bits of sound that are coming out of it! Ive not really done anything yet and its left me astounded by its power!

See what you think:

When its built up with some drums and bass it should be set to kill with a bit of handy eqing. Anything you don't like also about it would be helpful so i can try to improve it. Maybe theres too much highs.
It's cool by itself. Just with drums and whatnot it'll get lost pretty easy I think. You'll figure that out though once you have drums and a bass guitar on there. Keep recording!

006 said:
It's cool by itself. Just with drums and whatnot it'll get lost pretty easy I think. You'll figure that out though once you have drums and a bass guitar on there. Keep recording!


Ta for listening dude. Ive just realised, the right channel a lot quieter, but no idea how to raise its gain properly as the on board mixer with the 1010lt doesnt even seem to have any effect :S anyone else expereinced the problem?
What software are you using to record into.....there are a million variables at play.....
chadsxe said:
What software are you using to record into.....there are a million variables at play.....

Nuendo mate. I dont know how to direct the monitor into the program, it just seems to pickup the whole input no matter what :S

nwright said:
a little bright, but the basic tone sounds nice. What amp?

Marshall VS100 with a boss GT6, but im not using the preamp tube, im bypassing it i think. From the tone captured i thought it sounded quite valve like, even tho there are no valves here!