Real drums, real amps, any old room, some cheapass mics and some proper hardcore


Studio Scapegoat
Feb 13, 2007
Nottingham, UK
A track from my latest band Year Of The Flood. Recorded in our rehearsal space with a few Skytronic mics, a couple of Studio Projects B1's, a lollipop-shaped T-Bone condensor, one Shure SM58 and an Audix i5. A little full speed d-beat heaviness. None of this beatdown tough guy bullshit. With a little Cult Of Luna style epic heavy mixed in for good measure.

I confess, there is a sample blended into the kick. But everything else is pure mic sound. I'm pretty happy with how it came out considering it was recorded in this room:


Amps used were a Marshall TSL100 with a 1960 lead cab and the old Marshall JCM head shown in the picture with the weird Marshall 1x15" cab it's sitting on. Bass was my officially fucking awesome Squier Modified Jazz bass through a Sansamp Bass Driver DI. The JCM was driven with the Blackstar HT Distortion pedal, which I can safely say sounds fucking awesome. You can dial in anything from fuzzy sludge to screaming lead. Great stuff.

We tracked the vocals with the music blasting from the PA. So much easier than headphones!

This will be going on a promo CD to be given away at shows with a little help from a friend who is setting up his own label.
Sounds killer, great atmosphere. It could be LITTLE clearer, I like the messy-style but at times its just a bit too blurry.

Only things I would change would be to up the vocals (Except at the beginning, they're too distorted there, and plenty loud), and change that kick sample. I'd personally go for something like on the latest Slash album, a kinda boxy, raw sound. This kick is really clicky.
i like the track, it's very atmospheric as mentioned before.
i think the guitars in the intro sound to "stiff" should be played smother IMHO.
the rythm guitars combined with the overheads are hurting my ears.
overall mix could be clearer.

and yeah, it does not really sound like hardcore to me btw.
more like a sub-genre whatever thing, what is not that bad actually! :)

professorlamp - There's 3 of us doing vocals, myself included. We're looking to release a full length later in the year. In the bands previous incarnation before I joined they tended to release a fair number of splits and EP's but we decided to fuck that off in favour of something serious for YOTF.

Morgan C - I know what you mean about the kick thang, the Slash sound is very dry. Under ideal recording circumstances I would approach it a little differently. It's hard to make a kick audible through so much pounding guitars & bass without it being too obtrusive and I worry a more dry sound would be a little too in-your-face when the speed picks up.

Soultrash - Not sure what you mean by clearer, I have taken some time making sure the low-midrange mud is kept under control. I think too much extra tweaking would make it sound a bit thin. I like cymbals anyway, this is how drums sound! Viva la cymbals!

Cheers for the positive comments guys. :)