Real Drums, Real Amps... rough mix


Mathew Cohen
Absolutely no samples replacement on the drums.

Haven't had a chance to put vocals on it (still undecided as to whether or not I want to do them or have someone else lend their talents)... also haven't recorded the guitar solos yet...

this is a rough mix until the rest of the stuff goes in... let me know what you think...

I was actually just reworking this a bit...

The drums aren't in mono, but there is a lot of cymbal bleed in them...

check this version out...

ok... i didn't realize I was exciting the high end of the snare track so much... brought that down... guess I had to compromise the highs of the snare...

new version...

Ok... made some adjustments... this might be my last mix until I get some vocals and some leads in it...
I liked the toms & guits. Kick will rock with some processing but I found the snare a little thin for the music. A matter of taste I know.

I'd like to hear more Room to fill some more in the drums
The problem is that there's a ton of cymbal bleed in the drums, and virtually no signal from the overheads (are there overheads?) As a result, the cymbals sound mono and ruin the entire mix.
These drums sound pretty weird to me.

I mean, they don't sound bad at all.
Just weird.

Definitely 13409128312903 x better non-sampled drums than I can get.

But there seems to definitely be a lacking stereo image here.
these drums do sound really really odd.
that guitar sound is fucking huge but the drums sound really un-mixed and trebley and harsh and just off and.. yeah?
I'm so confused, even the toms sound mono to an extent. What's your panning looking like on those drums?

kick and snare are centered, octobans and toms are panned according to their placement in relation to the rest of the drums... the main cymbal that he's hitting is literally right in the middle of the kit above the kick... maybe thats what is giving you that feeling of mono-ness?

these drums do sound really really odd.
that guitar sound is fucking huge but the drums sound really un-mixed and trebley and harsh and just off and.. yeah?

I wish I was hearing what you and Jeff are hearing... I don't hear the "weirdness" of it... maybe because I'm beyond being subjective to this song/mix... i dunno...
They just don't really sound that full, that's the best word I could use. Full. There's a lack of fullness to the sound I guess.
getting better. There is less bleed, put a gater on those tracks or turn it up more, move the OH down a bit. Otherwise I like it a lot:Smokin:
The drums are not that bad imo, but some of the guitar´s frequences and the lack of a pumping bass(what´d fits perfectly) let the ears bleed. Is it possible to hear only the drumtrack? Okay there are some OH issues, but the kick and the snare is good work!
Any reason you won't/can't use samples?

I don't have any samples that I like enough to use... and I'd just rather not, to be honest...

The drums are not that bad imo, but some of the guitar´s frequences and the lack of a pumping bass(what´d fits perfectly) let the ears bleed. Is it possible to hear only the drumtrack? Okay there are some OH issues, but the kick and the snare is good work!

Felix, you want more bass?