Real folk music

Hedningarna, Väsen, Groupa, Chateau Neuf, Swåp, Loituma, Garmarna, Hege Rimestad, Wimme, Tapani Varis, Olov Johansson, Hoven Droven, Den Fule, Troka, Triakel...

All Norse folk/roots music.. have fun.
Nest and Gjallarhorn from Finland. Galder from Sweden.
this looks fun. have yet to hear it, though, so it might not be a folky album. Still, the art is fancy.

Folque:Vardoger 1977 Norway Ultra rare orig Philips LP


Very rare and beautiful female singer very much in the style of Sandy Denny.

I'm curious


there is this helpful and, um, weird review:

Folque's third album, Vardoger, is pointed by most progheads as the album we should start with. I agree that from the Folque albums I heard (only the first three) , this one should please us more. But be wary when you want to investigate the folk/folk-rock band that , although there are times when they are very good and intricate moments/passages on the longer tracks , most of the album is still very traditional-sounding folk music that could easily be played in your local village summer celebrations such as the End Of Harvesting reunion with all of those suave female dancers full of old lace costume (it takes hours to undo those clothes , so any mating urges must be severely restrained).
Folque sounds good! Better than Folk och Rackare ( my dad has a complilation of theirs)

I am impressed by Gjallarhorn

Omnia from Holland do it well, multitude of instruments and male & female vocals

Vladislwar Nadishana is a multi-instrumentalist from Siberia
I recommend Rupe's dance from Ian Anderson (Jethro tull mainman)
a song from that album

Clannad from Ireland ( siblings of Enya),
70 stuff
Later stuff

Ranarim from Sweden

The Dubliners are old masters of the genre! How they revived irish music and made it fun

Dead can dance. Very varied stuff. I´m gonna get heaps of their albums!!
Just a moment... I know another band called Gjallarhorn and they're from Italy, 2 members of Doomsword play in that band: Deathmaster on vocals (there called Vali) and Wrathlord on drums (there called Gungnir). Check them out
Djöfull;5735609 said:
Dead can dance. Very varied stuff. I´m gonna get heaps of their albums!!

If you are going to pick up any Dead Can Dance, make sure and check out The Serpent's Egg. Their music has little to do with folk, I believe, and more to do with (ethereal) trance and meditative hypnotism, which is good music to listen to while walking through the woods just the same as folk is good for hootnanny.
Månegarm's album Urminnes Hävd is great. I'm surprised no one mentionned it yet. Their other albums are metal, but this one album is only folk. Definitely worth a look.

Månegarm - Urminnes Hävd
Finnish folk:
Timo Alakotila
Konsta Jylhä
Arto J?rvel?
Mauno J?rvel?
Sari Kaasinen
Maria Kalaniemi
Marjatta Kalaniemi
Sanna Kurki-Suonio
Viljami Niittykoski
Tapani Varis
Jenny Wilhelms

Norwegian folk:
Kings of Convenience
Annbjørg Lien
Chateau Neuf Spelemannslag

Swedish folk:
Hasse Alatalo
Kalle Almlöf
Erik Ask-Uppmark
Per Gudmundson
Johan Hedin
Emma Härdelin
Hjort Anders Olsson
Pehr H?rberg
Åsa Jinder
Hans Kennemark
Svante Lindqvist
Bengt Löfberg
Kalle Moraeus
Ale Möller
Anders Norudde
JP Nyströms
Gudmunds Nils Larsson
Susanne Rosenberg
August Str?mberg
Roger Tallroth
Lena Willemark

And finally an Argentine finnish-scandinavian folk band:

List of folk musicians - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I would suggest 'Katalena'.

KATALENA *In the chapter of the contemporary Slovene popular music, Katalena needs to be addressed as no more and no less than a phenomenon. The story of this urban band begins in an idyllic village in the Southeast of Slovenia, where, in the summer of 2001, a group of six enthusiasts unearthed archival folklore material and rejuvenated its rustic image in line with their art rock, funk, jazz and blues pedigree and with their own integral youthful vision that was as much philosophical as it was musical. The feedback from those privileged enough to encounter with the six-some music in its prime, soon outgrew the original idea of a one off experiment and in the months and years to follow, sons and daughters of Katalena took the stages of the most prominent festivals, concert halls and clubs home and abroad by a storm. In five years time the band gave birth to three brainchildren (Z)godbe/Stories (2002), Babje leto/Indian summer (2004) and Kmeka ohcet/Country wedding (2006). Albums received great attention among music writers that are up to this day still unable to categorize them, turned the existing folkloristic theories upside down and converted a great number of doubting Thomases into folk music fans. Combining best of the Slovene traditional music, carefully selected from the archives, songbooks and old vinyl records with solid rock rhythms, funky groove and enviable arranging skills it creates a unique post-folk rock style that presents the music legacy of Slovenias regions in an utterly new light. Fused with dynamic and invigorating electrical instruments, which caress the enchanting singing, it is transformed on the stage into a dance and sound performance that mesmerises even the most musically pampered ears. Katalena is the most inspirational voice of the 21st century Slovene folk music soundtrack.

A very unique band to say the least.

Katalena Myspace