Reality TV.

bleed_black_orchid said:
Big Brother
Celebrity Big Brother
Fame Academy
Fit Farm
Im a celebrity get me out of here
Wife Swap
Pop Idol

All of them do my head in..

I dont understand how people get so into it?

surely I am not alone on this, and yes I am really really really bored.
Pop idol is only cool when they are auditioning :grin: thats when its at its best
I almost feel sorry for the lame self-appointed pop-stars in these mock-shows, cause the jury always makes fun of them and they think they're true. Well, they are true, but they become public morons.
theres that show called queer eye on a straight guy or sumething like that, i was thinking if they did it the way round like straight look on a queer guy, it would probably be much more succesful and interesting.
here they tried something 'super innovative' described as 'a show in which actors act as it would be reality, with a story which shows daily situations of a teenage daughter in a broken family'

well it's just a soap series, but filmed as if it would be reality tv.

well and this ex goal keeper has his reality soap now for a couple of years.

which has been parodised (if that's english) by another belgian guy; so again, reality made into fiction etc. to fool the folks.
its just they always promote it as being a dead innovative concept while parody is as old as laughter.