Reamped Guitars Using My Custom Amp


Nov 19, 2005
Hi there :)
To all of you who want to hear more clips with the amp from this thread , I reamped the guitars of a song I mixed recently. Actually, I remixed the whole song and this is what I got:

It's only double-tracked as it's not a heavy band and it's just the preamp of the amp with Guitarhack's impulses. I'm still waiting for the cab to arrive, but I guess I'm pretty happy with results I got with impulses, though I also reamped using a cheap DI in reverse.

The tone is probably a bit too 'metal' for their style, I just used the settings from when I was playing some riffs testing the amp out.
Vintage channel, with integrated TS boost on, bright switch off.
Comments are very welcome, both sound- and musicwise :)
The vocals sound out of time in places, but the guitars sound cool to me man, vocals are also too loud/dry imo. Drums are a little too dry as well.
What plugin's are you using? Maybe I can help with some settings? The second clip sounds better, but still not as good as it could be. Also did you use much comp on the vocals? They sound a little uneven in places, maybe squashing them would help some.
For the reverb I'm using 'roommachine' at about 1s reverb time, ~150 m3, some low and high shelf and it's ~10% wet. As for the vocals I think I compressed them a lot, but I'll have to check.
Oops, sorry, it was Room Works, not Room Machine. Anyway, I should try D-verb, it seems to be a very nice plugin.
Ah, yeah, forgot about that.

This thread seems to remain a dialog ;/ Well, thanks for the comments anyway, it's sure better than nothing. Cheers!
I hate the band but the guitar tone is pretty cool, I'd use more distortion for metal type stuff though. The vox definately seem out of time and are too dry. Try some delay and more reverb on the vox.
Thanks a lot :)
I'll have to listen to the vox more carefully and start liking reverb more.
Would someone be willing to add reverb if I export the instrumental to 1 file and the vox to another? Just so I get a rough idea of the type and amount of reverb you'd use.
Thanks a lot :)
I'll have to listen to the vox more carefully and start liking reverb more.
Would someone be willing to add reverb if I export the instrumental to 1 file and the vox to another? Just so I get a rough idea of the type and amount of reverb you'd use.

I'm not amazing at mixing vox, but sure, I'll have a go.
You know, I'm actually a fan of this type of punk. I absolutely love the bass tone you've gotten, any details? The guitar tone fits really well, and sounds as good and maybe a little better than some of the Thrice/Rise Against/NUFAN sound that seem to be their influences.
OK, time for some answers :)

For LSD: the framus cab arrived, but I'm having some difficulties achieving what I think is a result decent enough for that gear. With Guitarhack's impulses the amp works like a charm :). Not that it doesn't sound pretty good with the cab but it's all new stuff, so I have to tweak things more, and there is obviously the main problem - I live in an apartment and these things are LOUD. Furthermore, the speakers haven't broken in yet and finally, the ISO booth adds a nasty 'small' sound to it, but your not surprised, are you :p Oh, and my PC isn't working :rolleyes:

Goddamn Guitar, it feels great reading that from you, thanks :headbang:

cobhc, sorry, no PC ATM but I'll export the files when I can.

doc_backmask, wow, thanks man :headbang:
I'm quite happy with the bass tone, as well. It's a fender running directly into Ampeg SVX, with the SVT pro on and some 4x10 cab sim with a condenser, center and close. I used the parametric eq to cut some 300 hz and boost 900 hz, I don't remember about the other frequencies. I had the SVT compression set to max, then added a little external eq to make some narrow cuts in the low end so that there is room for the kick and finally i compressed it pretty hard with Waves L1. Glad you like the guitars, as well and although the sound was pretty much my say I have to say they are big fans of RATM. I didn't listen to Rage Against for reference, though, I just went with what I thought would sound nice, not limiting myself to any styles.

BTW, having mentioned Ampeg SVX, it really seems to be a great plugin. A friend of mine bought a real SVT and said the main difference was dynamics. Surely, it's not that near to the real deal but seems to be better than most of the preamp or amps you could use in the price range of the plugin. And you can tweak it forever, without having to record it again :)