Reamped & Remixed song (PodXt Vs 5150)


Kimon Zeliotis
Aug 31, 2001
Athens, Greece
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Hello guys...

So I recently finished reamping and remixing an older song of mine...
The guitars in this new version are reamped by OzNimbus (thanks again btw) with a 5150.

And here you can find the older version recorded with a podXT and splatt's impulses : (the shine).

Keep in mind that the encoding on the first version is 192kbps and the second 128kbps...

I'm still tweaking the final mix, I would appreciate some opinions/suggestions on the guitar tone and the overall mix.
All sounds awesome, cool song! The only thing that sounds weard to me are the overheads + HH. I might be wrong but they sound 100% panned, also lay a bit on top of the mix.
Hey man,

I would bring the vocals out a bit more in the mix, at the moment they sound a bit buried. The entire mix sounds perhaps a little too scooped in the lower mids, like say the 500 to 700Hz area. Makes things sound cool, but you lose a bit of detail. Overall it's shaping up to be a nice mix :)