Another Reamp Test - new song Youniversal by JeffTD - 5150, Mesa, etc.

Josh Burgess

Feb 18, 2008
Tampa, FL
The tone sounds really really promising, but since the backing was already 'mastered', the mix itself ends up really fatiguing, not to mention clips a ton during the lead bits.

Any chance you could dropbox a .zip of the reamped files and I'll throw them in the mix and upload?
Ah, I didn't know you had already "mastered" the backing track. I'll get the files to you soon, but I set the guitar tone up while listening through my mastering chain, so they'll sound different by themselves. I can probably EQ them to match pretty closely though.

I drove over to my friend's house and uploaded those two mp3s here. I didn't bring the reamped guitar tracks with me or I'd go ahead and upload them now.
Ah, I didn't know you had already "mastered" the backing track. I'll get the files to you soon, but I set the guitar tone up while listening through my mastering chain, so they'll sound different by themselves. I can probably EQ them to match pretty closely though.

I drove over to my friend's house and uploaded those two mp3s here. I didn't bring the reamped guitar tracks with me or I'd go ahead and upload them now.

All good man! I like how the guitars are sounding and have a feeling they'll drop in very nicely, regardless of mastering chain! Whenever you get a chance is awesome.
maxon od-820 into Peavey 5150 into Mesa recto 4x12.

The mix sounds like shit though due to my inability to master without everything being harsh, clipping like crazy, and overall sounding like total ass.

you can tell I'm in a great mood, huh?

meh. one of those "fuck music. fuck guitar. fuck that bullshit." days over here right now...