Thanks! And now, results time:
A - 81TW
B - 89
C - 81
Safe to say the 89 was not a popular choice amongst you guys, and I admit it definitely has some aspects that I'm not crazy about either (I agree it sounds a bit wimpy on the attack, and also a bit "dirty"), but I also prefer its more relaxed upper-mids compared to the 81/81TW - and speaking of which, while I prefer the girth of the 81TW, I think Garret/Rogueleader said it best when he described it as more "stiff" feeling (it doesn't squish quite as nicely as the 81), which puts the 81 as the victor for me! (Chalk up another C>A>B vote
However, I must admit that the aforementioned upper-mids/highs on the 81 are a bit tiring, so this marks my last hurrah with EMG's (at least for awhile) - time to enter the world of passives!