Quick Reamp Test - Jeff's EMG 89 DIs, 5150, Mesa 4x12, etc.

Josh Burgess

Feb 18, 2008
Tampa, FL
https://dl.dropbox.com/u/954619/Jeff EMG 89.mp3

Just a quick reamp test... using Jeff's EMG 89 test DIs he posted a while ago. Jeff provided the backing track. spent very little time placing the mic. maybe two minutes, but I think it still sounds pretty good. mic position could be better though, but I tried to accomodate with some post EQing.

How does it sound? Too bright? Too scooped? Not bright enough? Not scooped enough?

Jeff I'll be working on the song you sent me probably tomorrow. just wanted to test with this first since it's short...

EDIT: Here's my second attempt: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/954619/Jeff EMG 89 Retry.mp3
Too scooped to my ears. Not significantly so, but enough that I feel you can add some mids to it.
Could with a tiny teeny bit more top end air, but that's something that could be added post EQ I reckon, maybe half a decibel of 7KHz or so, but otherwise I dig that high end, but of course the perception of the high end could change if you add more mids
thanks for the opinion. listening back now I think it sounds a bit hollow... probably more due to the mic position than the EQing
Overall, it sounds really clean and controlled - something I really like! I also love the smooth top end! It's actually overall really good, and I think the other DI's I sent/the Rose of Sharyn DI's will sound even better, by nature of the riff/you spending more time on mic positioning than post-eqing! Maybe a bit more gain, if anything, but I think it's far more solid than these guys are giving you credit for.

It's worth noting that this riff sounds pretty hollow regardless of who reamped it, so far - not really a valid complaint on my end. It's designed to be hollow!
I guess if the aim was for a somewhat hollow sound than it doesn't sound too bad at all then.
The top end could be a tiny bit grittier, but as I said, only a tiny bit as the smooth-ish nature seems to work with the riffs
I think it sounds great. Maybe it needs a slight bump in the presence range, but otherwise lots better than what I accomplish.
Thanks for the replies guys. I know for a fact I can do better. I'm going to spend more time working on mic placement today. Yesterday it was pretty much just: toss the mic up... listen, okay sounds pretty decent, let's work with it and see what happens lol

will post more tests sometime today!