Reamping with effects


Dec 7, 2008
Waterford, Ireland
Hey guys, just wondering how you'd go about having to record & reamp a guitarist that like to use effects?
For example, what if a guitarist uses a wah pedal, do I record the DI after the wah? Surely I wouldn't record the DI as normal and try do the wah myself while reamping?
What if a guitarist has a compression pedal in his effects-chain? I know I can ask him to remove it but what if it's something like Guitar -> Compressor -> Distortion -> Wah?
Also, what about effects such as treble boosters etc.? Wouldn't these drastically change the DI signal?

I've just been wondering about this so I'd love to hear your opinions.

Generally I'll try to get the dry tracks as dry as possible & add effects in later. However, in the case of Wah pedal where it's played expressively, I'll record that in the chain too.


You could try either way with a compressor pedal & see what works best. Personally, I've never had someone bring one in, so I don't know.
You can record it like this too so you can have both if you decide that the effects used sucked:

Guitar -> DI -> Effects -> DI

this seems like a good idea, in case the effects recorded don't work out at least you have the reference so you can re-do them when reamping right? a wah sounds pretty complicated, has anyone ever done that? recording a DI guitar with wah before the DI, then reamped it? would like to know if that actually works.
this seems like a good idea, in case the effects recorded don't work out at least you have the reference so you can re-do them when reamping right? a wah sounds pretty complicated, has anyone ever done that? recording a DI guitar with wah before the DI, then reamped it? would like to know if that actually works.

I'm assuming that a wah effect wouldn't be a problem since it's essentially a modulation of the signal, like quickly adjusting the tone pot. But I'm curious how to handle instances of effects that essentially boost the signal, especially when you consider their position in the effects-chain eg. guitar -> treble boost -> wah vs. guitar -> wah then reamp with the treble boost.

Regarding the point I made of using a compression pedal above, it's position in the effects chain would make a difference on the DI signal I assume?
I've done it before for wah and whammy and it worked just fine. For boosts and things it wouldn't really matter either way i'd imagine, unless you couldn't get the exact pedals they wanted at reamp time.
I've actually reamped a solo that originally was just a normal guitar sound through a wah, and in order to rock the wah and have it "feel" right I had to play my guitar unplugged along with the solo. It was trippy, sort of "remote control" wah after the fact. I'd like to do it this way again, because it lets you get both the solo and the wah action totally perfect.