Reap n Roll guitar pro


Jul 27, 2004
I've lost the files, anybody know where I can get them from or can send me them? I've searched on MSB the server keeps going down

I can't remember what excercise 9 is, but I'll take a wild guess and say Needled 24/7lol :/

EDIT: Just watched it, It's Chokehold
LazyGuitar said:
I can't remember what excercise 9 is, but I'll take a wild guess and say Needled 24/7lol :/

EDIT: Just watched it, It's Chokehold

Chokehold? i don't think thats from chokehold. Are you sure it's the right one? i am talking about the exercise before the needled 24/7 part
Peyton said:
i downloaded it off the ftp server and you audio didnt match the video, it weas off by like 30 seconds. I've downloaded it 3 times. Help?

Pretty much ALL media players suck when playing this weird mpga file...try a media player called VLC(sorry I've forgotten the url)