reap n roll


Apr 9, 2004
DC bitch
can anybody send me the reap and roll video? i know a post was made like a week ago that said where i could get it but i really dont understand. if you could explain to me how that thing works than thatd be cool to. but best would be if somebody could just send it to me. i dont have much available for trade, sorry. :erk: anyhoo thanks for listening.
real player 10 is commer$$$ial bloatware, and on top of that the unix version sucks donkey hemmorroids. + it's motif based, static linked :yuk:

better to just get a .rm ---> mpeg/avi file converter, most of which are windowz-only anyway.......... :( :mad: :yuk: :ill: :bah:
well i put Real player up there. . .so that you can watch it. . .ive had no problems with RP

but its up to you to convert it to whatever format you want. .
Real player blows, but i have slow internet and dont have the time to upload an mpg... i am working on it tho...

until then real alternative -

This will stop the need for real player 10's gay spyware. Media Player classic owns
thanks all for your responses. i have realplayer but everytime i try and use it to play reap n roll, it starts to dl new software for it and then it stops and says that i need an mpeg 2 decoder or something. anybody know whats up with that?
ah fuck..........i dled one version of reap n roll from the razorback thing and i finally got it to work, only realizing that it was like just the first 2 minutes of it. im pretty sure god does not want me to see this video. i dled the one labled "FULL VIDEO" but it doesnt work either. does anybody know which one actually works and has the entire alexi laiho part?
I have a full-quality Reap N Roll .mpg video (I got if off Overnet) but it's like 570Mb so it's going to take forever to upload it anywhere :(

It's 28 minutes long (11 minutes longer than the .rm version on Delt's server!), 480x480 resolution, 30fps and audio @ 224kbps.
If he was gonna spend all night doing it, he'd upload the real version to everyone man. But hey man, i'm not asking you to i dont mind only having an incomplete one, i dont care for alexi's licks, the Jani video is way better
I'm currently trying to upload the vid to Delt's server (through CuteFTP). It's going to take no less than 14-15 hours.
I didn't say they sucked. I just said i dont give a damn about them, most of them are just CoB songs i already know... The jani video is a lot more imaginative and cool
"Temporary completion problem reply."

Why do I get that message everytime I try to upload my Reap N Roll vid? Anyone willing to get it from me through MSN Messenger and then try to upload it somewhere?