(REAPER) - All songs in one project file??


Nov 17, 2008
in reaper, i'll mix an entire project in one file. it seems to me no matter how huge a project gets in Reaper, it still behaves just fine/smooth as buttah. I remember some PT dudes saying you must absolutely have each song be a different session file in PT. the relevance was that when you have multiple sessions and wanna import them all into one, it becomes really tricky trying to get the tempo maps to not behave oddly.

as it is right now, i'm tracking/editing in protools, purely edits, no mixing at all. then when all tracking/comping/editing is done, i consolidate/bounce, and move over to one big long reaper project to mix. does anyone see anything wrong with this? the main reason i do it this way so is so that I don't have to mix ... 6 times, if there's 6 songs. yanno? someone had mentioned that there's away to save/import session mixes to alleviate this in PT, but i dunno...it just seems like it wouldn't work perfectly, some osngs have more tracks than others, etc.

I've been pondering this for a while too... more in the sense of "what way would be the most flexible yet most effective and smooth way of mixing?" and I've considered having everything in the same project, I've considered saving the FxChains of each track and then making ONE "base" mix and then applying the chains from that mix to all other songs. But I don't want to fuck around with all songs in one project... instinctively I feel that will just cause technical problems at some point down the line. I also don't want to go through 50 fucking tracks and manually reloading the FxChains one by one. So I think I've found one cool way which would work decently now actually... and that is simply using track templates.

What's cool about track templates in REAPER is that it saves ALL the info (atleast from what I have noticed). Like, everything from fader positions, FX parameters, send/receives to the freakin' color of the track. So what I thought of doing now for my future projects is to simply make one "base" mix, save all the elements into their own templates, for example all the drum track including the drum reverb channel as a "Drums" template. When I need to have the same drum mix on a different song, I would simply import the "Drums" template, have all the tracks ready and all I would need to do would be to move the drum tracks from the old drum channels to the new ones, and delete the old channels. Done. If there is an even faster and smoother way of applying big changes to many projects at once, please let me know (apart from having everything in one project but... yeah, it doesn't feel safe).
haha yea, i know what you mean...but i've done it a few times now (entire album in one project), and seriously, the performance was not affected at all. however, i tried this in protools (my first actual PT session with a client) and it panicked REAL quick as soon as i started trying to mix. i ended up loading up a backup session, and consolidating/bouncing to reaper.

anymore on this topic to help erkan and myself?