Reaper help


Sep 12, 2007
Hi, im just now trying out Reaper. I'm trying to use the tab to transient feature to replace snare drum hits with a sample. The annoying thing is that when I select the snare track...

1 If I paste the sample onto the track it pastes over the selected area insead of replacing the hit.

2 When I paste the hit (say even on a different track etc.) it automatically selects the "region" ive just pasted and you have to select the snare track inbetween each tab to trans. and paste. There has to be an easier way to do this.

Thanks for any help.
i do both kick and snare replacement with samples in Reaper. i haven't heard of what you're referring to as 'tab to transient'. i'll have to research that...

in the meantime - maybe this is an option.

in order (these plugs are stock at install):
JS : S STILLWELL/drumtrigger
VSTi: ReaSamplOmatic5000 (Cockos)

on the drumtrigger - you'll have to monkey with the thresholds to prevent "false" hits. if the snare playing is really agressive, you may have to switch to a software like Drumagog. It does a much better job of "tracking" right out of the box. downside, it costs $$$, whereas these plugs above are free with Reaper. this is where you also can "blend" the orig and sample, if desired.

as for the VSTi plug - you specify your sample (*.wav) there, again moneky with attack/release. A nice feature is the "pitch offset" that allows you to lower or higher the pitch of the sample according to taste. i often lower the kick for some massive lowend.

hope this helps.