Reaper question about printing tracks....


Gabriel R.
Nov 25, 2010
Orange County, CA
I'm having difficulty printing tracks with the FX loaded in the bus/group folder.

Say for example: I load 5 clean guitars tracks with reverb on the bus.

Then I want to print all the tracks down. File - Render- Selected tracks. Well they will print individually but without the applied reverb in the bus.

How can I print all of the individual tracks with the FXs loaded in the Bus?

Edit: Ah I think I put this in the wrong section
I can't test this right now, but try rendering the FX track. That way you can still have some control over the amount of reverb. Instead of using track rendering, solo the FX track and render the master mix.
You can Freeze tracks. Try Freezing the Buss with FX on it as a stereo track. This should render both/all tracks onto a stereo wav. with FX printed to it.
You have to freeze the track that actually has FX on it, otherwise it doesn't make sense. If your reverb is on the bus - freeze the bus to a stereo track.
+1 to freezing. The great thing about is that you can simply undo it by unfreezing, and it will re-enable the FX that were on your track at the time of rendering. I know that may sound obvious but I just think it's very practical.

You can also freeze up to the last selected FX within a track btw.