Reaper Samplomatic makes a clicking noise...


Apr 7, 2009
When I build my midi drums in reaper I usually use samplomatic to fire off the samples but I notice I get this audible clicking or popping. Its not extremely noticeable on snares but it definetely can be heard on the kick and toms for some reason. It does it with any sample, not just the ones im using now. Does anyone know how to remedy this?
I've noticed that a few times with specific samples. Nudging up the attack slider can help, and if it doesn't I usually throw on ReaGate and fiddle around with really tiny numbers for the attack.
thats a good idea Jormyn, I'll try it out. The one time , i got it to go away by moving the "number of voices" slider. I dont know why or how it worked but I tried it again this time around and was unsuccessful. Thanks man! Anyone else have this problem?
the "number of voices" determines how many samples (for one samplomatic) run in parallel. Means, a still playing sample will be canceld immediately on the next trigger event, if "number of voices" ist set to 1 (maybe causing "klicks"). In other case it remains playing until its end ...

- gMo -
Gmo - I figured unchecking the "obey note off" button would basically do what you just described.

Ray - Unless I'm not seeing something, I'm triggering samples via MIDI. Not replacing an existing drum track. The trigger one underneath it looks good. But to me, it seems like the same basic principle as samplomatic.