Reason 6.5 + PodHD Pro + A day off = Metal (surprisingly)


New Metal Member
Oct 17, 2009
I've posted this else where, and figured what the hell, why not here too.
The short of the long is I have gotten back into Reason because I find my self spending to much time tweaking in Reaper and other recording environments.

I abandoned Reason a long time ago, but I have missed working in its environment. Always seemed to be able to keep the juices flowing in Reason. ¯\(º_o)/¯ Anyway I bit the bullet after a few hours working with the demo resulted in a pretty ok sound. This is a further refinement of that mixing idea.

So I guess Reason can Metal too.

Guitar is PodHD Pro using my own custom patch. Bass is Line6 bass amp within reason. Drum samples are G&S Custom Work Drum kit Sample Library 1.0 blended with a kick and a snare I processed in reaper from SD2.0 . Large majority of the drum sound is the G&S Custom. The sounds processed in Reaper were Heavily processed to beef up things like snare crack, and kick punch. Drums were performed on my Midi keyboard/contorler (without Quantizeing).

I could have spent more time on the drum midi and blah blah blah, but as a test I don't think it warranted any more time than I already have given it. I just wanted to share my results since I haven't seen any metal being done with Reason, and I'm kind of surprised with the results I was able to get with minimal effort. Comment if you want.
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