Recent Concerts

Justin G

Jul 28, 2007
Northern VA
I thought it might be cool to have a thread about recent shows we've seen.

Two weeks ago I caught Twisted Tower Dire and Castle in Richmond. Both bands were great, but the audience was all of ten people.

Last week I saw Graveyard in DC. The place was packed, and Graveyard was AMAZING live.

Last night I caught Doro and Sister Sin in Springfield, VA. It was a pretty weak crowd (50-60 maybe), but you know that never stops Doro from giving her all. Great set (almost all Warlock songs) and despite being sick she hung out afterwards to meet everyone. Sister Sin totally rocked the place too.
This past Friday I saw THE SKULL @ Bada Brew in lovely Crest Hill, IL.

I know everyone has their own opinion on Eric Wagner choosing to do this.

All I will say is that if you are a fan of TROUBLE, esp the first two albums, go see THE SKULL!

They do an amazing job.
Well this weekend we took in Doro, Sister Sin, Firwind, Turisas, and Stolen babies

I did not see enough of The Shield to make a call on that band. The Brazen Angel band seemed a little more hard rock than metallish as I remembered. Still on the fense about the band, not bad just wondering why a band that has been around their scene for awhile now are still just around their scene. But then again I have seen this with many bands.
Sister Sin came out a kicked some serious ass. It was what I would image seeing Warlock was llike when they first came over. That band is a straight up metal band. I think one of the best out there right now if not the best. I do think I like them better live vthan on album though, the last album has it's weak moments for me, and well I have not listen to the first one in quite a while (actually forgot I had it).
Doro is always a pleasure and is always top notch. I was thinking during her set that at of all the performers and bands I have seen (and it is a lot) that Doro is by far my favorite live. She has an ability to make a show not just merely a concert, I don't think Dio could even do that.
The next night we went to see Firewind, Turisas, and Stolen Babies. Well Firewind were extremely good and the new singer is really good. I Do find it boring after awhile though because it is the same song over and over again. Then Turisas the one trick pony goes on. It is really good stuff admittedly and I do have their albums but goddamn it gets old fast. But the Warcraft kids seemed to have fun with it... And there was a lot of Warcraft guys there.
Well the opener that night is the band I wanted to see and must say I quite enjoyed Stolen Babies a lot. It was a short set sprinkled with tech issues but they ran through it like one of those punk shows from the days when I wore a younger man's Chuck Taylors.
The crowd seemed to get into , and confused at times. Live they certainly come across different than album, almost hookier. And after talking to the guitarist for a while (yes we were the only two to speak to him) I must say that band is kind of busting their asses and could be in for a nice3 return from it. I just hope they do not change for the worse.
Kinda want to go see them again tonight, but last night after their set I start to get pretty bored.
The rest of the show nights was the usual concert games and cynical commentary. Many of "that guy" was there at the Turisas show. But not as many people as I would have thought, Doro was more, almost doubled. And who brought the school bus, there were a lot of kids at these shows (not even teens)
I rarley go to any shows. Two reasons. 1) I live in the northernmost parts of Sweden. No tours come here...and 2) I'm not really into it anyway. I'm not the most social creature around haha. I work as a teacher and I get all the socializing I can stand right there haha :)

Last band I went to see was Watain and that was 2 years ago :)
I rarley go to any shows. Two reasons. 1) I live in the northernmost parts of Sweden. No tours come here...and 2) I'm not really into it anyway. I'm not the most social creature around haha. I work as a teacher and I get all the socializing I can stand right there haha :)

Last band I went to see was Watain and that was 2 years ago :)

Dammit, you just killed the illusion I had that Sweden had death metal and sleaze rock shows in every town on a nightly basis.
Last shows I've been to were two Italian bands: Ufomammut (Psychedelic Stoner/Doom Metal) and Natron (Technical Death Metal).
Both good shows, but I had to go away before Natron ended because I was too tired, it was in a club where they always start too late. :(
This past Friday I saw the Dark Roots of Thrash tour in Milwaukee.
Unfortunately this was after Overkill had to drop off.

Flotsam were AMAZING and exceeded all expectations I had for them in 2013.
i only saw them once during No Place for Disgrace so don't recall at all how they are live.
Wow, they got the place going. I even dug some of their new stuff.
Reminded me of Dark Saga Iced Earth.

Testament were Testament. They were the same as they always are live.....amazing.
Only gripe was this tour apparently focused on newer material, which I wasn't too familiar with.
All the songs from the latest one sounded great. May need to look into that one.
Last Saturday I saw David Shankle Group. I was the only one under the age of 40 at this concert, and was the only one that new the songs. Everyone there seemed to be a friend or family member of David. Nonetheless it was a fantastic show, it was the debut of new vocalist Warren Halvarson (also singer of Damien Thorne) and his voice is amazing and fit perfectly. They played 3 new songs and i think they might be the best 3 songs out of any DSG material, cant wait to hear the new album later this year.