Recent Hammers of Misfortune pics, anyone?


Mar 2, 2003
As the title says, I'd need some (~ 3-5) recent HoM live pics to accompany an interview I did for my forthcoming zine (to be entitled The Serpent Bearer). They'd need to be big and of good enough quality, 'cos it's a print zine. And recent enough to include the current lineup of the band.

Anyone who has pics that I could use, please contact me at: serpentized [at] hotmail [dot] com, or via PM here at UM. The photographer will of course get his/her name mentioned with the photos and will get a free copy of the zine once it's out (we're currently aiming at a late-October release).

Just to give you an outline of the zine, some of the other interviewees include Caïna, Wolves in the Throne Room, Thy Serpent, Pimentola, Paradigms Recordings and Ignivomous. I'll post a more detailed description in the next couple of months. Thanks.
Just to give you an outline of the zine, some of the other interviewees include Caïna, Wolves in the Throne Room, Thy Serpent, Pimentola, Paradigms Recordings and Ignivomous. I'll post a more detailed description in the next couple of months. Thanks.

That sounds neat-o-matic.
I know lurch grabbed some great pics of HoM at their Brooklyn show...but that was with the previous line up with Scalzi and Jamie. Has anyone on this board actually seen HoM with their new line up?

By the way, one day I hope to be the owner of a "The Bastard" long sleeve:

yeah, i have a few good pics ... but you believe that was already 3 years ago!!! July 24, 2004 ... fuck how time flies.
I know lurch grabbed some great pics of HoM at their Brooklyn show...but that was with the previous line up with Scalzi and Jamie. Has anyone on this board actually seen HoM with their new line up?

By the way, one day I hope to be the owner of a "The Bastard" long sleeve:


I already own that awesome shirt :loco:
Thanks everyone! No pics found yet, though, and if no one comes up with such, I'll also welcome older pics with, say, just Cobbett, as the interview is done with him. Of course there are fairly recent live pics on HoM's official page, but they're hardly printable. Unfortunately Cobbett is a relatively difficult person to get in touch with as he's touring with a number of bands etc. I was glad to catch him for the interview in the first place.
Thanks everyone! No pics found yet, though, and if no one comes up with such, I'll also welcome older pics with, say, just Cobbett, as the interview is done with him. Of course there are fairly recent live pics on HoM's official page, but they're hardly printable. Unfortunately Cobbett is a relatively difficult person to get in touch with as he's touring with a number of bands etc. I was glad to catch him for the interview in the first place.

Contact some of the other band members (through Myspace, I think they're all on there).
I know lurch grabbed some great pics of HoM at their Brooklyn show...but that was with the previous line up with Scalzi and Jamie. Has anyone on this board actually seen HoM with their new line up?

By the way, one day I hope to be the owner of a "The Bastard" long sleeve:


Yeah, I bought it off the site a little while ago for the winter season.