Recent Haul


C-C-Cool Beans!!!
I nearly forgot... While in Atlanta I went on what I would like to call the "SUPER HAUL OF THE YEAR"!!!

here is my small lsit of pick-ups:

Steel Prophet - Unseen (digi-version)
Flower Kings - Unfold the Future (digi book)
Symphony X - The Odyssey (ltd. Ed.)
Hammerfall - Crimson Thinder (digi-version)
Pretty Maids - Planet Panic
Scanner - Scantropolis
Eldritch - Reverse
Nightwish - Century Child
Nightingale - Alive Again (HA! I got it early..everyone has to
wait until January who wasn't at ProgPower!)
Opeth - Balck Water Park (Ltd. ed. double CD version)
Mob Rules - Hollowed Be Thy Name (needed the "official" release!)
Warrior - The Code Of Life (working on my Rob Rock collection!)
Iron Savior - Condition Red
Edguy - The Savatage Poetry
Karmakanic - Entering the Spectra (excellent recomendation
from Tomer at The End Records!)
Threshold - Psyhedelicatessen & Wounded Land (special Ed.)
Threshold - Clone (completeing the collection)
Evergrey - The Dark Discovery (got em' all now!)
Masterplan - Enlighten Me (E.P.)

not to sahbby I'd say....

I haven't had a chance to listen to all of these indepth, but so far the two big suprises are the Scanner and Eldritch albums! How anyone could feel the new Eldrtich is not up to par with there older material must be up in the night...sure it's not as Dream Theater-esque and proggy as the last few releases, but DAMN it's heavy!!! Persoanlly I like it alot! there are some Excelllent songs on this album!

And Scanner! Wow...another big change first I wasn't sure I was really going to like this (I am a HUGE Scanner fan!) since they pretty much revamped the entire band and ousted Harridon and hired a female vocalist by the name of Lisa Croft (not to be confused with Lara Croft of Tomb Raider fame :lol: ) but the more I spin it... the more I like it, and the more I hear's Scanner! I think it's a pretty underated album.

Biggest Upset? Pretty Maids... I'm not sure what it is about this one, but I am really trying to like it. It's heavy, it sounds like Pretty Maids with more chunk, but something is missing... I have listened to it three times, the thirds with all sincerity and nothing sticks out on this album for me. I HATE that! I want to like it but It's not getting through my thick skull... I LOVE all their other albums but this one is a bit off...hopefully it kicks me in the ass soon.

anyone out there have any opinions on the Hual? recomendations on what I dshould dive into next on this list?

Nice haul Dustin! I got a pretty good catch myself---->

Edguy - Kingdom of Madness (replaced my burned copy)
Edguy - Theatre of Salvation (")
Gamma Ray - Land of the Free digi (")
Gamma Ray - Somewhere Out in Space digi (")
Threshold - Critical Mass
Threshold - Clone
Symphony X - The Odyssey
Symphony X - Twilight In Olympus
Symphony X - The Divine Wings of Tragedy
The Storyteller - s/t
Ablaze My Sorrow - Anger, Hate & Fury
Bathory - Nordland I
Dragonland - Holy War
Drakkar - Razorblade God
Freternia - A Nightmare Story
Hammerfall - Crimson Thunder digi
Manticora - Hyperion
Mercenary - Everblack
Mob Rules - Hollowed Be Thy Name
Opeth - Deliverance digi
Luca Turilli - Prophet of the Last Eclipse
Shadow Keep - A Chaos Theory
Shadows Fall - The Art of Balance
Spiritual Beggars - On Fire digi
Superior - Ultima Radio
Zonata - Buried Alive

I have like 250 unlistened to albums already, so I definitely haven't gotten to these yet, but I've checked out a couple thus far...HOLY SHIT SYMPHONY X'S NEW ONE IS THE BOMB! :headbang: It's so good it's a top 3 of the year thus far IMO. I was also pleasantly surprised with Hammerfall's new one. This was their last chance to keep me as a fan (yes, cheese = good) and it's very good. Not superb, but very good. Another fanastic surprise is the new Ablaze My Sorrow. These guys wail AGGRESSIVELY like a good 1998 Gothenburg band should wail (except that it's 2002). As in, most of it's been heard before, but this is done extremely well. That's it so far...I LOVE new albums to listen to! :)
CD’s From Prog Power

Mob Rules-Hollowed Be Thy Name
Luca Turilli-Prophet of the Last Eclipse
Thoten-Beyond The Tomorrow
Heindall-The Almighty
Dionysus-Sign of Truth
Tornado-Triumph Of the King
Grave Digger-Witch Hunter
Dragonland-Holy War
Seventh One-Sacrifice
Dreamtale-Beyond Reality
Dismal Euphony-Python Zero
Warlord-…And The Cannons of Destruction Have Begun
Theory In Practive-Colonizing The Sun
Time Requiem-Time Requiem
Artemis-The Damned Ship
Arwen-Memories of A Dream
Zandelle-Twilight on Humanity
Nightingale-Alive Again:The Breathing Shadow Part IV

I almost had to leave my cloths at the hotel so I'd have room for them
Originally posted by zinescene
I almost had to leave my cloths at the hotel so I'd have room for them

:lol: I know the feeling! Thank god my traveling buddy had a nearly empty backpack. Of course I had to listen to him complain throughout the trek through the airport that I was a "pain in the ass" with my CD buying :)
Originally posted by Demonspell
A haul of epic proportions from both Dustin and Mark...both contain at least seven hours of quality material!

Yeah no kidding!!! talk about nutz! Mark surpassed me by only a few and we only had 2 or 3 album purchases in common! That's alot a music and I still have only listened to *maybe* half of what I bought.... and let us not forget John who also packed out a good healthy selection on CD's from the festival! I think all three of us were walking out of there with an average of "20" CD's.... It's good to know I'm in good company with other harcore metal fans!

Originally posted by IOfTheStorm
The Shadowkeep album rules so much ..

That's what I've been told by several people... even Deron has mentioned I should pick it up. I think I'll have to check it out next!

So far that Scanner and Eldritch are kicking my ass... i know how strange that sounds but they are REALLY good! The new Hammerfall is not what I expected and although better than the lat one, I think it's missing something...I think I need to pay more attention to it.

I am trying to get into the new Flower Kings but DAMN it's long! I feel like I have to eat some 'shrooms and paeotee and dive into it a bit deeper!!! :lol:

