recently read good books


neat bitch
May 23, 2003
Seoul, South Korea
Theodore Gracyk - Rhythm And Noise: An Aesthetics of Rock

: really great book. have you dot guys read this book? I was blown away by a quote from Charles Ives.

David Fontana - The Secret Language of Symbols

: still reading. I think I have a big trickster in myself.
Jack Kerouac - Dharma Bums
Tim Burton - The Melancholy Death of Oysterboy and other stories
Salman Rushdie - Fury

These are the best of the books I've read over the past several months. Oh yeah, and book 3 of Harry Potter ruled too. :)
I guess the last books I read were:

Gogol's Dead Souls (the Pevear/Volokohnsky translation)
Nabokov's Glory
bunch of Nabokov short stories
and a few before those, over Christmas break, which I don't recall.
I read the newspaper on the train to and from work each day and I sit in front of a computer for at least 9hrs at work. I'm done with reading when I get home.