I'd like a good read

Being in the stage I am in right now, must less situated like some of the senior members I look up to- If any notable AEs have taken the time to write in depth, or keep a kind of journal for this, I would really like to read about it. I could use something to put it all in perspective how their hard work and success was accomplished- that first dabbling on an old 4 track to how it became a matter of what to invest in- necessity or your passion. How it went from a ignorant thing between friends, to a local level, and then to an actual desire to relearn it the right way and how actions to achieve that knowledge and situation was made. I want to know how others are feeling when they NEED that piece of gear and how those financial decisions were made, over just common sense of "necessities first" or that risk just being taken or even if it was prayed over if you or they happen to be religious. I can't wrap my head around "time, patience, and hard work" anymore. I want to know what was going through the heads of the people before during and after they were in a perfectly A/C'd room with the beautiful racks of gear. Step by step and those thoughts and feelings. I'm not looking for a "how to" but a "how YOU did it and what YOU continue to do to grow" (or they)

Threads with journals of studios being built are very inspirational- But I am so demanding of myself that I find myself getting frustrated for not being the least bit situated (a mobile service with about 4-6 sessions a year since 2008)

Like I said, I could just use a blog or book to put this all in perspective. I know I "get it" but really thinking about it, I actually don't fucking UNDERSTAND it at all.

Thank you guys for taking the time to read this- I recently moved out to an apartment with a friend, and during all this "what to do and what not to do" thing we're all going through in life hahaha I ended up taking a few hits off my friend pipe last night, which I don't do and haven't done in years and felt the need to post this today.

Ermin hit home with his sticky in the production section, almost posted this there too. Hope you guys will point me to a good read. Thanks again.
That sounded like a slap in the face, Necromancer. hahah

On topic: from what you're saying you should read the whole forum. What do you wanna know about exactly? Search function probably knows, ask her.
That was actually more of a fail @ necromancer.

@ el gato

Dude, don't tell me to use the seach function like I'm asking for Sturgis pod tones or how to use some cracked waves plugs or some stupid shit- I've been on the forum long enough to know what not to ask. I'm asking for members personal experience or articles/books that they have read or written that has helped them over time. If you don't have anything helpful to say don't fucking say anything at all- it was a legitamate request for discussion, what a forum is for...

You got 100% "negative" responses to your post. Since the lowest common denominator is you/your post, *mayyyybe* it could occur to you that your "legitamate request for discussion" is worded in a way that people perceive differently from what you are trying to convey?!!?

I am not the stupidest fuck on this forum, but I am also quite unsure what it is that you're looking for ...
Your post makes no sense really. There are no shortcuts. Forums are to fine-tune your knowledge. Get a job at a studio, join a class, whatever it takes.
whats so hard to get? he said he wants the backstory to some of you success stories lives. i guess what would be equivalent is like jenna jamesons book how to be a pornstar. except he wants, "insert name here" how to be an audio engineer.lol

what got u started?, when u hit a wall, howd u overcome it?, did you ever want to quit?, did you throw yourself into audio, or just stumble on it and then it grew?

i think its a good question, and im curious to hear sum stories
But seriously people post success stories all the time. Good luck getting over any plateaus you encounter. Takes alot of time and ssl
Perfecting Sound Forever: The Story of Recorded Music by Greg Milner is kinda along these lines. Great read, all about the people as well as the technology. Full of great stories.

Tape op magazine is pretty good for this. I miss it cause I don't get it over here in Ireland anymore.
Posts to threads just to be sarcastic retards should have your account bannded. Anyone can spend their time trolling going HURRRR DURRR, not accomplishing anything except showing others that you deserve no respect and have no life.

A shitty sarcastic response and a reenforcing "lol" doesn't put my request anywhere close to a noob posting literally above a thread answering their question asked millions of times before or TheJoker or NSGUITAR status thread beating a dead horse.

I'm not making an outrageously stupid statement. I'm not even asking how to do anything. I'm asking for some fucking perspective and nothing else- not some fucking instant-fame sauce cheat codes.

@everybody and if6was9 seemed to get it. I don't know how more specific I could have been.

If me asking how succesful engineers felt as they developed and budgeted living/school/recording is so fucking confusing- tell me to clarify, and end it right there.

If you want to start shit with people you don't even know, you're going to be known for being disrespectful and get nothing but that in return. You're doing nothing but making yourself look like a jackass and wasting all of our time.

That being said... If I'm being such a stupid whiny bitch asking such idiotic questions- be the bigger person and don't even respond to this thread. I'm sure you fucking rule at whatever instruments you play and are way better at recording than I could possibly comprehend and are genuinely good people that are REALLY going somewhere in life- Judging by my computer screen, you know. Like you did me.

By all means though keep the sarcastic comments and whitty avatar obsevations coming.
I can give you a recommendation of what not to read. The Daily Adventure's of Mixerman. I was expecting some interesting insight on recording, but all you have is this guy bitching about his whole session, and giving very close minded information.