Recently released albums floating your taco


Proud Brisbane Metaller
Jul 28, 2001
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I can see we are all busy living a life, so thought I would post about newer stuff rocking my boat.

Red Hot Chili Peppers - I'm With You. The band have made a turn back towards the earlier hook filled funky style of music, if you are a fan of the band before Californication, I reckon you should check it out, as it is a catchy little fucker.

Frank Turner - England Keep My Bones. Folk/Rock drivel that is floating my taco big time in between spouts of various metal and old school HxC.

The Black Dahlia Murder - Ritual. What can I say, I like heavy too maaan.

Your turn....
Saber Tiger "Decisive" is by far my favourite new album at the moment.

I think this one of the weaker songs on the album but it's the only YouTube video I could find:
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First Joey 'Thrax fronted album I have ever looked forward too, gotta scrap up some coin and get me to a JB, there seems to be alot of good stuff out, or out in the next few weeks
The only other recently releases that I have are Devin Townend Projects's Deconstruction & Ghost as well as While Heaven Wept's Fear Of Infinity.

The first two are good but over all DTP leaves me cold compared to his other solo releases but While Heaven Wept's Fear Of Infinity is an incredible example of clean vocal epic doom metal. Well worth getting. :headbang:
4Arm were on that Triple M metal show. I was impressed.

I haven't bought an album for a little bit. The main one I'm into is the Steel Panther album. I can't wait for the new one to come out in a few weeks.
Also Opeth and Mortal Sin. And this band from Melbourne called 4ARM. And Ringworm.

yeah agree with Mortal Sin Album , grabbed a copy on Saturday nite after the gig here in Canberra and did'nt actully listen to it until monday at work, fuk its good ....

Also , the New NIGHTRANGER - Somewhere In California, and HEAVEN THE AXE- Sex Chugs and Rock N Roll , are being played alot by me lately and Electik Dynamites'- Hair Denim Sex Metal as well
Omnium Gatherum - New World Shadows

Easily the best melodic death metal album I've heard in years. Dark Tranquillity's "Damage Done" is probably the only other album in the genre that I've ever enjoyed so much.

Voyager's new album is sounding brillant from what I've heard so far. Can't wait to get the proper release.
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a mate leant me his promo copy of Mastodon's new album and fuck me it's good!

Really different from some of the stuff they've done before (granted I missed their last album). Lot more melodic and harmonic content to the songs but all fantastic trippy stuff. :headbang:
Mastodon - Offically now an awesome cd. With media people saying this album sounded towards breaking into mainstreamI thought it would instantly grab me by the balls but i was surprised it actually took more spins than crack the skye to digest. Worth the effort though. Love these guys.

Machine Head - WOW!! What an album. So impressed. love the riffs, love the drumming, love the solos and impressed by the singing. Grab the cd with the bonus tracks. Great covers

Anthrax - Better than I had hoped for. Lovethe song in the end.