Recently released albums floating your taco

Housemate handed me South Australian band Quiet Child's CD Thumper and I love it! :rock:

A kind of slowcore/shoegazer sound in the vein of Isis (but more Alchest really) but mixes up the pace and style a lot too.

Highly recommended.
New Animals As Leaders, Manigance, Tanzwut, Chickenfoot, Blotted Science, Insomnium, Subway To Sally, Iced Earth and Brainstorm albums.
Holy fuck, what a bunch of home runs all at once... I think this will be the first year in quite a while where I'll have no trouble finding enough worthy candidates for a top 10 list.
The preview of Cynic's new album is nothing short of drool-worthy.

It's not an entire album but it's definitely floating my taco.
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That Cynic song didn't sound how I expected it would. It's good though.

Have you heard their Re:Traced EP? I wouldn't have expected it either after "Traced In Air" but hearing those songs re-interpreted in a non-metal setting I'm not surprised they want to let their musical ideas 'breathe' a bit more.

Black Country Communion 2.

I've probably tried half a dozen times to listen to it since it was released and it just isn't growing on me... whereas the first album made me simultaneously orgasm and shit myself at the same time as soon as I heard it.
Finally going through ripping and cataloguing a lot of the CDs that I've bought and never listened to. Easy highlight so far is a 2010 release but still recent enough.

Death Angel - "Relentless Retribution"

I saw them at Metalcamp in 09 and enjoyed them live but wasn't really impressed by anything of the studio tracks I listened to. This album is a whole different story. I haven't been so blown away by a thrash band since when I first heard Aspid or Dew Scented. Very highly recommended to anyone that likes old-school Slayer, Metallica etc.
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The new Megadeth isn't too shabby from the little bit I have listened too.

Also, listened to The Devil Wears Prada's new album the other day, they sound like they have grown some nuggets.

But really floating my Taco right now is S/T - How will I laugh and Biohazard's State Of The World Address. By no means new, but fucking awesome all the same dammit
It took a few weeks for me to get around to listening to it properly (which is weird since I bought it on the day of release after months of anticipation), but Mastodon's The Hunter is my album of the year thus far. Those guys are awesome, and the best contemporary hard rock band to come out of the last decade for mine.
I'm struggling a bit to get into the new Megadeth. I find myself listening to a few songs and then just browsing through the remainder of the tracks. I will persist though. I found endgame to be a grower.

Totally different subjet but I read an interview today with John Schaffer and he said Iced Earth will be touring Australia. I really haven't been into the band since horror show but I would love to see them live!!
I would love to see IE live too.

The new Megadeth is a bit of a throwback to the slower rockier stuff of the earlier 90's stuff, particularly Countdown.... and Youthinasia
My shitty local JB hasn't managed to get new 'Deth in yet. I should have just bought it online.

IE planned on touring here a few years back but have had immense lineup changes over the years. When I saw them with Barlow in June, it was probably the most intense live show I've ever seen. Even without him, I'm sure they'd still bring it live.