Recognizing music in unexpected places...

Never seen that Phillips commercial...

Diecast was played in that VW commercial, where the boss turns on the dude's radio, and that shit is JAMMING
there wasn't any of the music, but i once found a partially torn Dark Tranquility "Damage Done" poster on the wall of a bomb damaged building in Afghanistan or or somewhere like that in a Ranibow Six 3 Xbox game. that one blew my mind.
There are some serious metal heads over at drummer used to work over there too.
back during the PS1/PS2 era... FF was fuckin everywhere. They had a song on one of the Madden football games too I think...
to add to what someone said before, in the Sopranos, AJ had a Nevermore "Dreaming Neon Black" poster in his room and a Stuck Mojo poster, I forget for what though. Also, Tony has great taste in old school music, there's been many times he listens to Deep Purple (especially "Highway Star") while drining, and in one of the new episodes he was listening to Tom Sawyer by Rush. That show has always had great music.
Rob Halford & Pantera in "Buffy the Vampire Slayer." The track was called "Light comes out of Black." Just awesome stuff. The movie was utter dogshit, however.

On Suffocation site there is commercial for History Channel (very funny) where they performed "Bind, Torture, Kill".
Don`t know if this commercial was shown on american TV.
Satyricon´s mother north video clip , in this movie about junkies, i dont remember the title, but is rob halford and the singer for blondie on it
Yeah, the movie is called "Spun" featuring Rob Halford as a porn shop assistant and Brittany Murphy as some stupid chick drug dealer/amphetamine cook's girlfriend.


The movie is truly sickening. :ill:
Satyricon´s mother north video clip , in this movie about junkies, i dont remember the title, but is rob halford and the singer for blondie on it

the Movie is called Spun, it was directed by Jonas Akerlund who after directed Satyricon's Fuel For Hatred

funny shit, Jonas Akerlund was Bathory´s first drummer :S
