Recognizing music in unexpected places...

Cannibal Corpse in "Ace Ventura" and slightly modified Type of Negative in "I still know what you did last summer" (if i'm not mistaken).


I was mistaken - it was TON "Summer Breeze" in "I Know What You Did Last Summer"

Actually, Cannibal Corpse happens to be Jim Carreys favorite band(Not something you would expect.). :headbang:
The Penguins play a shit ton of metal at Melon Arena. I posted a thread about it, having forgotten I started this one a year ago, hahah.
uhhh... thats not exactly par for the course... thats just you choosing to jam CC while beatin one... soooo, yeah.
I remember the first time I ever discovered that I could download porn vids via P2P services (back when I was a HS freshman in 2001) was when I was searching for Megadeth and found a porno set to "Kill the King" :lol: