[RECOMMEND] Groove oriented repetitive DM

Immutable Trepidation

New Metal Member
Jul 15, 2018
hey everyone ive listened to a lot of old school death metal and being extremely picky it takes me forever to find the kind of death metal im looking for. ive searched several forums and most of the recommendations ive been seeing still dont fit what im looking for. im looking for songs with repetetive groove oriented riffs. mid tempo to sorta fast. the best way i can describe what im looking for is like slower versions of sepulturas inner self, slave new world,stuff that has a lot of constant downpicking. (i hate blast beats). i dont like super high or super low guttural vocals. no slam please. best bands that fit this description are protector, bolt thrower, obituary, and jungle rot. ill list some songs with riffs im into for reference

Six feet under - death or glory
Protector - tantalus, face fear
Humiliation - Preposition of violence
Obituary - redneck stomp, insane, by the light
Morta skuld - dying remains
Broken hope - swamped in gore
Resurrection- disembodied
Death Angel - Voracious souls
Sarcastic terror - putrescence
Jungle rot - humans shall pay, strangulation mutilation, demogorgon
Baphomet - no answers
War master - mass creation
solstice - transmogrified
slaughter - parasites

Armoured angel - hymn of hate (FUCK YEA MORE SONGS LIKE THIS)

(non death metal but have those same kind of riffs)
Grim reaper - all hell let loose
Vio-lence - kill on command (2:45 riff)
Metal church - beyond the black (1:25 riff)
Candlemass - dark reflections
Exodus - blacklist
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