Recommend me some old school country and rockabilly

The Ozzman

Melted by feels
Sep 17, 2006
In My Kingdom Cold
You can read the title. Do it.

I have a severe lack of this but I know people who absolutely love this and hate the 'bro country' craze going on now. I need to expand my horizons outside of metal and hard rock.
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Johnny Cash is obvious. I like him lots and I've been exploring Waylon and Shooter Jennings. I will check out the others.
True but his stuff is so essential you can't not mention him. Hopefully that song was a bit less obvious than others. My favorite Waylon album is This Time. A more laid back, relaxed album, it really shows off how great a singer he was.

Other must-have Waylon albums include Lonesome, On'ry and Mean, Ramblin' Man, 'Ol Waylon and the Waylon and Willie comp.
I must say that it's a crime that no one has mentioned Townes Van Zandt yet. He's the absolute perfect country artist of all-time and also one even people who don't like country can get into. The man has an amazing ability to take country folk acoustic guitar and make it textured and gorgeous, with lyrics and atmosphere that can rip your heart out and put a gun in your mouth. Or he can just make you tap your toe and clap your hands.

Also I fully support Loretta Lynn and Emmylou Harris, but I'll add two more goddesses.

Gtfo @The Batlord , from MB? How's Roxi's tits doing? They still big?

Yo, Carpe. Of course it's me. Who else would use such an awesome screen name? And Roxy went full schizo and started going on about Illuminati conspiracy theories but couldn't handle it when we started making fun of her. For a while she'd randomly show up and launch into rabid spiels about how we were insensitive libtards, but eventually she asked for her account to be banned and now she's gone for good.

I was totally going to post some Townes Van Zandt but Batlord beat me to it.

Clearly we can be friends. What other country do you listen to? I'm still learning and would love some old school recs.
Lol wow what a nut. People get too attached over there, it makes them crazy. Start living online lives n shit. I think you'll dig UM everyone's pretty chill and sane.

It is also likewise a crime the kings of vaudeville country haven't been brought up yet.

Hank III sounds like a poseur trying too hard to sound like his grandfather and cashing in on his name while using the gimmick of being anti-establishment even though he could give a fuck about country.
*a wild retard appeared*
What a totally bullshit opinion. Congratulations.

HW3 is just trying to cash in on his grandfather's name by doing an impersonation of his voice and playing up to an outlaw country stereotype. He's basically a country music juggalo. And I'd be able to look past that if his music wasn't as much of a stereotype "updated" for the current generation. He's just boring to listen to.