RECOMMENDATION: Black Trip - Tvar Dabla

Hell Mike

fuck melodic black metal
Aug 22, 2003
With spirits high thanks to the overwhelming wave of critique for yesterday's recommendation and the one prior to that, we move towards the next one! (and this time there was no irony in the opening sentence)

I'm not even sure I like this myself, but judging from the curriculum vitae of the members, I know I should.

Peter Stjärnvind (drummer of Nifelheim, ex-Entombed and a million other bands, now guitarz and songwriting in general) and Joseph Toll (Guitars in Enforcer, guitars and vocals in Corrupt that may be recommended in a few days unless I decide to believe that everyone who cares already have their album, and i think he was in HAZARD that later turned to Tribulation for a while too) make some heavy metal of the very old school, or maybe it's 'merely' hard rock. Some say it sounds like the first two Maiden albums but I don't really agree there. I think.

Pretty raw in feeling if not always in sound and I think it's cool but I'm not sure. Couldn't find anything that's not shitty live recordings and thus not a fair first taste on the tube so please take a few extra clicks and tell me what it's like. At least there's no sign-up or download or anything required.