Recommendation : Chaos Moon - Langour Into Echoes Beyond


Active Member
Dec 14, 2006
Buffalo, New York
Chaos Moon - Langour Into Echoes Beyond
Black Metal

I know some of you guys will talk shit on this, but this is the only american black metal band I think does it well. These guys are pretty awesome, I didn't really like their other release...but this album is pretty sweet and worth the few bucks it probably sells for now.
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the only american black metal band I think does it well

lol, i will definitely give this a shot, but if i had a nickel for every time i've read the above... ... ...
Chaos Moon - Langour Into Echoes Beyond

:Shedevil: Agreed great album, one of my favorites from 2007. Ars gave us the heads ups there, and i even have a review up there as well. Chaos moon was certainly one of the first American bands mixing in some of the more pronounced shoegaze elements with black metal (some bands were only hinting at it at that stage), and doing it rather seamlessly. It seems the band broke up and turned into Esoterica, but m-a doesn't have much on them.

For those of you that want more in a similar style, one of the bands Chaos Moon did a split with, Benighted in Sodom, might be something to check out. If no one does them as a recommendation, maybe i will.